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    Anshan Carbon Co., Ltd.

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    Sales company address: No. 1, 36th Floor, Junlin Tiansha, 38 Shengli South Road, Tiedong District, Anshan City, Liaoning Province-Anshan Carbon Co., Ltd.

    Processing technology of graphite products

    2019-11-22 11:32:01

    According to international practice, it has the following characteristics:

    1. Thermal stability: According to the use conditions of graphite crucible for rapid heating cooling, special design is carried out to ensure the reliability of product quality.

    2. Corrosion resistance: The uniform fine matrix design delays the corrosion of the crucible.


    3. Impact resistance: The thermal shock strength that the graphite crucible can withstand is extremely high, so any process can be done with confidence.

    4. Acid resistance: the addition of special materials can significantly improve the quality of the crucible, it has an excellent performance in acid resistance indexes, greatly extends the service life of the graphite crucible.

    5. High thermal conductivity: The high content of fixed carbon ensures good thermal conductivity, shortens the dissolution time, significantly reduces energy consumption.

    6. Control of metal pollution: Strict control of material composition ensures that the graphite crucible does pollute the metal during dissolution.

    7. Quality stability: The production technology quality assurance system of the high pressure forming method more fully guarantee the stability of the quality.


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