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    Different graphite materials carry out different polishing

    2019-11-22 11:32:38

    Because the use of CNC blades is different, the process of the production processing of high-purity graphite surface is smooth, some unique high-purity graphite steel parts, such as molten gold graphite crucible, all have to be polished polished. Because the graphite crucible surface is smooth, the process flow is different. The graphite electrode manufacturer causes some gold melt water to stick to the high-purity graphite after cooling, it is easy to fall off, resulting in the outflow of gold. Therefore, the high-purity graphite surface is polished polished. It is a must.


    According to different graphite materials, graphite product manufacturers have different grinding polishing properties. If you use two-dip three-baked materials, how to polish it will achieve the actual effect of the static surface of the surface, but if you change to three-dip four-baked If the graphite material is used, it is very easy to exceed the effect, so the choice of graphite material is the actual effect of high-purity graphite polishing.

    Under normal conditions, we polish polish the edges of CNC lathes in many ways. That is to say, people say that the manual service is polished polished. If the manual service is necessary, use sandpaper first, then use cotton cloth then polish then use linen. Equipment abrasive belt.


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