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    A new wave of mergers reorganizations in the steel industry will start

    2019-11-22 11:33:13

    The reporter was informed that in order to accelerate the merger reorganization of the steel industry, relevant departments are studying discussing the establishment of a steel industry merger development fund. According to authoritative sources, mergers reorganizations increased industrial concentration are the only way for the steel industry to expand in scale achieve economies of scale in the future. In particular, small medium-sized private steel companies have to shrink their independent living space must take the path of joint reorganization scale up.

    The above-mentioned authoritative persons stated that the funds consumed by enterprise integration are increasing it is more difficult for a single enterprise to integrate at this stage. Therefore, it is hoped that enterprises will jointly establish a steel industry merger development fund to increase the room for reorganization.


    Large-scale development is the general trend. At present, many places have issued relevant planning targets for the development of the steel industry. By 2020, Hebei's iron steel enterprises will form a "2310" industrial pattern, including 2 internationally competitive enterprises, 3 local powerful enterprises, 10 characteristic steel enterprises. Jiangsu is actively forming a "134" pattern. Shanxi plans to reduce the current 27 to 10. Sichuan strives to build an influential competitive 10 million-ton-level backbone steel group with a total output value of 350 billion yuan.

    Zhao Chenxin, director of the Economic Operation Regulation Bureau of the National Development Reform Commission, previously stated that the task of reducing 30 million tons of crude steel production capacity in 2018 has been completed by 80%. If it is fully established, we need to continue to unswervingly focus on improving the quality of the supply system in the future.

    Wang Lianzhong, executive deputy secretary-general of the All-Union Metallurgical Chamber of Commerce, said that iron steel capacity reduction work is gradually approaching the end stage, is about to enter a new stage "after capacity reduction". In this context, the main contradiction of the steel industry has turned into a contradiction between the industrial structure market demand, the development of the industry has entered a period of new strategic opportunities for transformation, upgrading high-quality development.

    Judging the first half of this year, the economic efficiency of the industry has steadily improved. In the first half of the year, the national industrial enterprises above designated size achieved a total profit of 3.39 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 17.2%. Among them, the ferrous metal smelting rolling processing industry achieved a total profit of 187.56 billion yuan, an increase of 113% year-on-year, a sales profit rate of 6.1%.

    Judging the 160 major private steel companies counted by the Metallurgical Chamber of Commerce, in the first half of this year alone, sales revenue was 107.82 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20%; profits were 99.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 135%. It is worth noting that the proportion of key enterprises has increased significantly. In terms of output, the above-mentioned private enterprises produced 183 million tons of steel in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 17.24%, small enterprises produced 168 million tons of steel, a year-on-year decrease of 2.78%.

    The high-quality production capacity in the industry is fully released. In the first half of this year, private enterprises produced 264 million tons of crude steel, an increase of 4.56% year-on-year, which was 1.44 percentage points lower than the national average. The output of steel was 351 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 5.5%, which was 0.5% lower than the national average. However, the proportion of key private enterprises in steel production has increased 46.6% in the past to 52% this year, while small companies have dropped 53.4% last year to 48% at present.

    The small scale insufficient strength of small medium steel enterprises will lead to insufficient investment in innovation development, energy conservation environmental protection, difficulty in meeting the standards, will also hinder industry structural adjustment. Zhang Zhixiang, chairman of Beijing Jianlong Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd., believes that at present, many domestic steel companies are small in scale large in number, making coordination difficult. In the case of a decline in total demand, it is easy to engage in price wars fall into vicious competition.

    “Through integration to increase industrial concentration, many problems can be resolved through negotiation. Market behavior can be more rational, the division of labor in the market will be clearer, upstream downstream companies financial institutions will have greater bargaining space more initiative. "Zhang Zhixiang said.

    The expansion of scale will also bring about a substantial increase in profits. Taking Shagang Jianlong with a production capacity of 50 million as examples, in the first half of 2018 alone, Shagang achieved a profit of 12.4 billion yuan Jianlong achieved a profit of 5.167 billion yuan. Specifically, Shagang became the largest shareholder of Northeast Special Steel through its subsidiaries reorganized. Jianlong has successively merged reorganized Haixin Iron Steel Beiman Special Steel. Haixin alone achieved a profit of more than 1 billion yuan in 2017.

    In the future, a steel merger development fund may be established to promote joint mergers between enterprises upgrade the industry. Wang Lianzhong said that inter-enterprise mergers reorganizations will effectively solve the problems of insufficient strength, excessive risk, insufficient management capabilities of a single enterprise, give play to the overall advantages of the enterprise. For example, the impact of rising environmental standards will be reduced, enterprises cannot blindly limit production shut down, small medium-sized enterprises will be forced to upgrade.

    According to the data, relevant enterprises in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei air pollution transmission channel "2+26" cities have implemented special emission limits for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter volatile organic compounds October 1, 2018. At the same time, the previously released "Ultra-low Emission Reconstruction Work Plan for Iron Steel Enterprises (Draft for Comment)" requires that by the end of October 2020, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region its surrounding areas, the Yangtze River Delta, the Fenwei Plain other key areas for air pollution prevention control will have the conditions for transformation. Of steel enterprises have basically completed ultra-low emission transformation, all new (including relocation) steel projects have reached ultra-low emission levels.

    Wang Lianzhong further pointed out that for the merger reorganization of steel enterprises, the policies will involve personnel placement, taxation, finance, finance land use, enterprise relocation.


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